Microsoft DOS CMD Terminal Tutorial

22 Sep 2024

Microsoft DOS CMD Terminal Tutorial

dir: Lists the files and directories in the current directory.

Example: dir

cd (Change Directory): Changes the current directory.

Example: cd C:\Users\YourName\Documents

mkdir (Make Directory): Creates a new directory.

Example: mkdir new_folder

rmdir (Remove Directory): Deletes a directory.

Example: rmdir old_folder

del (Delete): Deletes one or more files.

Example: del file.txt

copy: Copies files from one location to another.

Example: copy file.txt C:\Backup

move: Moves files from one location to another.

Example: move file.txt D:\NewFolder

rename: Renames a file or directory.

Example: rename oldname.txt newname.txt

type: Displays the contents of a text file.

Example: type file.txt

cls: Clears the command prompt screen.

Example: cls

chkdsk (Check Disk): Checks a disk and displays a status report.

Example: chkdsk C:

format: Formats a disk for use with Windows.

Example: format D:

diskpart: Manages disk partitions.

Example: diskpart

tasklist: Displays a list of currently running processes.

Example: tasklist

taskkill: Terminates a task or process.

Example: taskkill /IM notepad.exe /F

ipconfig: Displays network configuration information.

Example: ipconfig /all

ping: Tests network connectivity to another host.

Example: ping

netstat: Displays network statistics.

Example: netstat -a

attrib: Displays or changes file attributes.

Example: attrib +r file.txt

shutdown: Shuts down or restarts the computer.

Example: shutdown /s /f /t 0

systeminfo: Displays detailed configuration information about the computer.

Example: systeminfo

ver: Displays the version of the operating system.

Example: ver

echo: Displays messages or turns command echoing on or off.

Example: echo Hello World

set: Displays, sets, or removes environment variables.

Example: set PATH

path: Displays or sets a search path for executable files.

Example: path

hostname: Displays the computer's hostname.

Example: hostname

xcopy: Copies files and directories, including subdirectories.

Example: xcopy C:\source D:\destination /s /e

robocopy: Robust file and folder copy command with many options.

Example: robocopy C:\source D:\destination /mir

fc (File Compare): Compares two files or sets of files and displays the differences.

Example: fc file1.txt file2.txt

find: Searches for a text string in a file or files.

Example: find "keyword" file.txt

replace: Replaces files.

Example: replace newfile.txt C:\folder

tracert: Traces the route to a remote host.

Example: tracert

nslookup: Queries the DNS to obtain domain name or IP address mapping.

Example: nslookup

net: A collection of commands to manage network resources.

Example: net use (connects to a network share)

ftp: Transfers files to and from a remote system via FTP.

Example: ftp

Notes and Source Code

Simple Empty
No data